
Minimal Immortals: Roots + Explanation of Each NFT

This collection will become a part of digital art history.

 Each NFT in this collection is a unique, one-of-a-kind artwork that allows you to own a piece of the legacy of a historical figure.

Over time, at least seventy prominent historical and contemporary figures will be featured.

The “Roots” sub-collection takes us on a journey deep into history. These NFTs represent individuals who have shaped the world with their ideas. From scientists who expanded the boundaries of knowledge to artists who brought beauty into our lives, each of these figures has strengthened the roots of human civilization. The simplicity and minimalism of these NFTs reflect the fundamental and foundational nature of the ideas these individuals presented. By owning these NFTs, you will not only possess a piece of history but also join a community of inspiring individuals.

All the NFTs you see here are available on the Foundation website at the following address:

Minimal Immortals: Roots

With the minting of each new NFT from this collection on the Foundation website, it will also be added to this section of my website with detailed explanations

Roots – 01 – A Moment in Time

Title: Roots – 01 – A Moment in Time

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #006666

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait captures Albert Einstein in a timeless moment, as immortalized in the iconic Arthur Sasse photograph. His playful tongue sticks out, symbolizing wonder and discovery. The artwork’s simplicity beautifully showcases the complexity of this great mind. This NFT not only commemorates a historic moment but also reminds us that even the greatest minds experience moments of awe and surprise.

Roots – 02 – Orange is a Van Gogh

Title: Roots – 02 – Orange is a Van Gogh

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #003366

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait depicts Van Gogh in his favorite colors. Inspired by Van Gogh’s numerous bold self-portraits, this artwork is recreated in a minimalist style. The use of orange, symbolizing Van Gogh, acts as a bridge between the artist and the viewer, allowing them to establish a deep connection with the piece. This NFT is a tribute to Van Gogh’s unique style and his lasting impact on the art world.

Roots – 03 – postmodern Prophet

Title: Roots – 03 – postmodern Prophet

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #FFCC00

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait of Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, reflects his curiosity and critical spirit. Nietzsche, a prophet who crushed traditional values ​​with his hammer. The yellow background is a symbol of light and awareness that Nietzsche was looking for. The title of “postmodern Prophet” is a tribute to his thoughts, which is still in the complex world of today’s postmodern and challenges

Roots – 04 – Che

Title: Roots – 04 – Che

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #990000

Edition: 1 of 1

This iconic image of Che Guevara portrays him as a brave revolutionary and a fighter for freedom. He is an inspiration to millions of people around the world. This NFT is a tribute to Che Guevara’s human ideals and his struggle to create a more just world.

Roots – 05 – Bowtie, Cigar, Hat

Title: Roots – 05 – Bowtie, Cigar, Hat

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #CC9933

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait depicts Winston Churchill with his characteristic symbols: a bow tie, a cigar, and a hat. These elements are more than just simple accessories. Alongside the dark golden background, they symbolize the power, wisdom, and complex personality of this global leader. With this NFT, we look at a man who shaped the destiny of a nation. This artwork, by portraying a face with only three elements and eliminating the most unnecessary things, is a celebration of minimalist art. This NFT is a tribute to one of the most prominent figures in history.

Roots – 06 – The Melting Moustache

Title: Roots – 06 – The Melting Moustache

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #6699FF

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait draws inspiration from Salvador Dalí’s iconic mustache, but takes a playful twist. While the mustache is not literally melting, its upward tilt suggests a sense of fluidity and transformation, a hallmark of Dalí’s work. The title “The Melting Moustache” invites viewers to question the nature of reality and the permanence of identity. This NFT is a tribute to Salvador Dali and Surrealism.

Roots – 07 – The Man Who Invented the 20th Century

Title: Roots – 07 – The Man Who Invented the 20th Century

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #CCA300

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait depicts Nikola Tesla, the unparalleled genius of the 20th century, with stunning simplicity and depth. The simple and symbolic design captures Tesla’s creative and innovative mind, which transformed the world with his inventions. This artwork uses simplicity as a powerful tool to express the complexities of a great personality, reminding us how simple ideas can lead to monumental changes in the world. This NFT is a tribute to the man who shaped the future with his inventions.

Roots – 08 – Red Leader

Title: Roots – 08 – Red Leader

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #CC0000

Edition: 1 of 1

Stalin was one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. His rule over the Soviet Union divided the world into two poles and had a profound impact on the course of history. This minimalist portrait is a reminder of the tumultuous times and massive changes that occurred during Stalin’s reign. This portrait symbolizes a historical situation, reminding us how the decisions of one person can affect the lives of millions. This minimalist NFT, invites reflection on the complexity of the Red Leader of the Soviet Union

and his impact on history.

Roots – 09 – Abraham

Title: Roots – 09 – Abraham

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #6699CC

Edition: 1 of 1

This portrait depicts Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln was a brave and compassionate leader who helped preserve the union of the country by guiding the American nation through the Civil War. This portrait portrays Lincoln as a symbol of freedom and equality. This NFT is a tribute to the man who shaped history with his leadership.

Roots – 10 – Apartheid Against White

Title: Roots – 10 – Apartheid Against White

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #151515

Edition: 1 of 1

Nelson Mandela is one of the heroes of my life. This artwork of mine features two portraits: one of the young Mandela in prison and the other of Mandela at the time of his death. In this artwork, I have only used the concept of “Apartheid vs. White”.

to symbolize the contrast between Nelson Mandela’s white hair and the mostly black background. In this image, simplifying everything is to highlight the idea

This visual paradox is meant to challenge notions of power, identity, and definitions by turning familiar symbols upside down.

The undisputed dominance of dark colors in this frame is intentional to highlight Mandela’s white hair as a minority in front of the black majority of the frame in the eyes of the audience

Roots – 11 – Shadow of the Reich

Title: Roots – 11 – Shadow of the Reich

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #FF3333

Edition: 1 of 1

This NFT is a critical and historical artwork that does not intend to promote Nazi ideology. It depicts one of the most infamous figures from the darkest period in human history. Hitler, as the leader of the Nazi regime, bears direct responsibility for war crimes and the massacre of millions of innocent people. This artwork is not for glorification but for remembrance and warning. It was initially intended to be part of my collection of minimal portraits of all famous figures, regardless of whether they are positive or negative characters. By portraying Hitler in a minimalist style, I aim to decontextualize his image and encourage viewers to consider the implications of his actions without glorifying his person

Roots – 12 – Truman: Zero Hour

Title: Roots – 12 – Truman: Zero Hour

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #333333

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait depicts Harry Truman, the President of the United States, at a decisive moment. “Zero Hour” is the moment when decisions can change the course of history, and Truman made such a decision by choosing to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The gray background symbolizes the ambiguity and gravity of the decision he had to make, as well as the incineration of thousands in Japan. The title “Zero Hour” refers to Truman’s historic decision to drop the atomic bomb and the beginning of the atomic age. This piece invites reflection on the portrait of an individual whose decision had a significant impact on human history.

Roots – 13 – To Be Reflection Not to Be

Title: Roots – 13 – To Be Reflection Not to Be

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #9999CC

Edition: 1 of 1

In this minimalist portrait, Shakespeare, with a modern face, delves into the essence of human existence. The title “To Be Reflection Not to Be” invites us on a philosophical journey to explore the depths of existence and the nature of human identity.

The minimalist face, with simple lines and limited colors, reminds us that our identity is more than just physical appearance. This face is a reflection of our inner self and soul. The phrase “To Be Reflection Not to Be” tells us that our existence is a reflection of all the things we are not, of all the choices and decisions we have not made.

This minimalist artwork is a piece of a larger collection that each viewer can complete based on their own experiences and perspectives.

Roots – 14 – Charlie

Title: Roots – 14 – Charlie

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #FFFFCC

Edition: 1 of 1

A minimalist portrait that encapsulates the iconic image of Charlie Chaplin, reducing him to his most recognizable symbols: the bowler hat and the mustache. This minimalist representation invites viewers to contemplate the profound impact of Chaplin’s simple yet powerful character on the world of cinema and comedy. By stripping away the complexities of the human form, the artwork focuses on the enduring power of an idea. By reducing the iconic image of Charlie Chaplin to its most essential elements, the artist creates a timeless and visually striking composition

Roots – 15 – A Chocolate Smile

Title: Roots – 15 – A Chocolate Smile

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #FFCC00

Edition: 1 of 1

In this minimalist portrait titled “A Chocolate Smile,” Barack Obama’s face is depicted with a modern and abstract approach. The portrait shows Obama’s face without eyes or nose, focusing solely on a smiling mouth against a vibrant yellow background.

The minimalist design, with simple lines and bold colors, emphasizes the power of a smile, a feature often seen in many of Obama’s photos. The absence of eyes and nose directs the viewer’s attention to the smile, symbolizing joy, hope, and the impact of a positive demeanor. The yellow background, while creating a beautiful contrast, can also represent Obama’s liberal tendencies and support for individual freedoms.

Roots – 16 – A Yellow-Haired Exclamation

Title: Roots – 16 – A Yellow-Haired Exclamation

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #000000

Edition: 1 of 1

In this minimalist portrait titled “A Yellow-Haired Exclamation,” Donald Trump’s portrait is depicted with a modern and minimalist approach. The black background can signify the strength and firmness of Trump’s decisions. Additionally, black can symbolize ambiguity and mystery, which, along with a tie resembling an exclamation mark, points to the complex and controversial aspects of Trump’s personality and leadership.

The minimalist design, with simple lines and striking colors, emphasizes Trump’s distinctive and often controversial presence. The exaggerated yellow hair against the black background immediately draws attention and symbolizes the impact of his public presence. The red exclamation mark shape highlights the dramatic and emphatic nature of his communication style

Roots – 17 – JB’s Smile

Title: Roots – 17 – JB’s Smile

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #000033

Edition: 1 of 1

A fusion of Minimalism and Suprematism,  JB’s Smile is a minimalist masterpiece that captures the essence of Jeff Bezos in a single, bold stroke. JB’s Smile presents a postmodern portrait of Jeff Bezos that transcends traditional portraiture. The stark simplicity of the oval and the bold, graphic design create a visually striking image that is both timeless and contemporary.

This NFT is a bold statement about the nature of identity in the digital age, and a powerful example of how art can be both minimalist and meaningful.

As a unique digital asset, JB’s Smile offers a fresh perspective on the world’s most celebrated entrepreneur. This minimalist portrait challenges traditional notions of portraiture by focusing on the essence of Bezos rather than his physical appearance.

The NFT’s  elegance make it a must-have for collectors of digital art

Roots – 18 – Bell’s Echo

Title: Roots – 18 – Bell’s Echo

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #003333

Edition: 1 of 1

This NFT honors an individual whose invention transformed the world. This NFT serves as a reminder of Alexander Graham Bell’s efforts and the significance of the telephone in advancing human civilization. By purchasing this NFT, you bring a piece of communication history into your home.

Roots – 19 – A window into Gates

Title: Roots – 19 – A window into Gates

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #003333

Edition: 1 of 1

This NFT is a unique minimalist artwork that conveys complex concepts using simple elements. The face of Bill Gates, the Windows window, and the Microsoft logos are each powerful symbols on their own, but together they create a compelling visual composition. This piece prompts us to reflect on the impact of technology on human life. This NFT is an intelligent investment for enthusiasts of digital art, technology, and history. By purchasing this NFT, you join a community of collectors who support valuable artworks.

Roots – 20 – Meta Mark

Title: Roots – 20 – Meta Mark

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #000000

Edition: 1 of 1

This is a beautiful minimalist portrait of Mark Zuckerberg in the world of digital art. Using only two simple geometric shapes and the Meta logo as a bow tie, it symbolizes elegance and attention to detail. This NFT is a powerful visual expression of simplicity and innovation, while also pointing to his power and influence in the tech world. It is an artwork that holds multiple layers of meaning and can serve as a memorable avatar for the creator of the Metaverse. This piece presents the image of a tech leader who has remained true to his artistic roots.

Roots – 21 – Another name for the idea is Elon

Title: Roots – 21 – Another name for the idea is Elon

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #009933

Edition: 1 of 1

This is a minimalist portrait that depicts Elon Musk as a symbol of innovation and forward-thinking. Inspired by a photograph, this artwork transforms Elon Musk into an iconic figure who pushes the boundaries of technology. Placing the Tesla logo in his hand, as a symbol of the electric automotive industry, reinforces the idea that Elon Musk is not just an entrepreneur but a pioneer shaping the future.

Focusing on key elements, this portrait shows how powerful messages can be conveyed using minimal elements.. It allows the viewer to reflect on Elon Musk’s ideas and achievements. The placement of the Tesla logo in his hand signifies his ability to turn ideas into reality.

Roots – 22 – The Digital DJ

Title: Roots – 22 – The Digital DJ

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #DD0000

Edition: 1 of 1

“The Digital DJ” is a minimalist portrait that captures the essence of Jack Dorsey, a pioneer in the tech worlds. With clean lines and a limited color palette, this piece showcases the simplicity and sophistication of Dorsey’s digital empire. The creator of Twitter and Square is one of the contemporary figures who, as a prominent innovator, has undoubtedly had a significant impact on our world.

Roots – 23 – Steve’s Legacy

Title: Roots – 23 – Steve’s Legacy

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #FF6003

Edition: 1 of 1

this is a minimalist portrait that reimagines the iconic image of Steve Jobs holding his chin. This NFT is a testament to his enduring legacy and the symbol he created. By stripping away unnecessary details, we’re left with a powerful and evocative image that speaks volumes. This minimalist portrait conveys a powerful message. In this moment, Jobs looks at us not just as an individual, but as a symbol. He tells us that he has tasted the fruit of knowledge (represented here by the apple) and enjoyed it. Now, he wants to share this joy with the whole world. This artistic concept will appeal not only to fans of Steve Jobs but also to anyone interested in art and innovation. This portrait can serve as a lasting piece of art, suitable for offices, galleries, and even homes.

Roots – 24 – Tech Mogul

Title: Roots – 24 – Tech Mogul

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #002855

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait depicts the face of the creator of Alibaba. The bow tie in the shape of the Alibaba logo is not just a decorative element but a symbol of Jack Ma’s boundless innovation, which transformed the world of e-commerce with his creative ideas. This minimalist and beautiful design perfectly captures fascinating personality of Jack Ma.

Alibaba is not just a company; it is a vast ecosystem that has impacted the lives of millions of people around the world. This portrait is created in honor of the founder of this great empire and the influence he has had on the global economy. By looking at this portrait, we can feel the grandeur of Jack Ma’s dreams . This artwork can serve as a valuable keepsake in Jack Ma’s office and inspire future generations of entrepreneurs

Roots – 25 – Saintly

Title: Roots – 25 – Saintly

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #3399CC

Edition: 1 of 1

This minimalist portrait celebrates the extraordinary life and achievements of Mother Teresa, an icon of compassion and service to humanity.

Mother Teresa’s unwavering dedication and selfless acts transformed the lives of millions. This portrait serves as a timeless reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on the world. It is a tribute to her legacy and a call to action for all of us to follow in her footsteps

Roots – 26 – Dream Weaver

Title: Roots – 26 – Dream Weaver

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #006633

Edition: 1 of 1

This NFT, titled “Dream Weaver,” pays homage to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and his groundbreaking work on dream interpretation. Freud believed that dreams are the “royal road to the unconscious,” revealing hidden desires and thoughts through symbolic imagery.

For those interested in psychology, art, and history, this NFT offers a lasting legacy of a portrait of the father of psychology.

Roots – 27 – FDR

Title: Roots – 27 – FDR

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: Roots

Background color: #FF1D25

Edition: 1 of 1

FDR is a minimalist portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States. This artwork captures Roosevelt’s resolute leadership, unwavering determination, and his ability to guide a nation through turbulent times. With his New Deal programs, FDR rescued the US economy from the Great Depression and led the nation to victory in World War II. This NFT is a tribute to one of history’s greatest leaders

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