
(Steve Jobs NFT) fusion- SJ. Minimal

fusion- SJ.Minimal

Artistic style: Minimalism

Collection: Minimal Immortals: fusion

Edition: 66

SJ.Minimal is a minimalist tribute to Steve Jobs, the genius of technology and innovation. This artwork, using simple design , allows us to focus on the fundamental nature of innovation and simplicity that lies at the heart of Apple products. Each of the 66 NFTs in this collection, reminding us how simplicity can be the most powerful tool for changing the world.

NFTs numbered 1, 7, 9, 11, 12, 21, 23, 30, 33, 42, 43, 50, 53, 55, 56, and 66 are distinct.

fusion – 01 – SJ.Minimal

The first Apple computer was built in the garage of Jobs’ house

fusion – 02 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 03 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 04 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 05 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 06 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 07 – SJ.Minimal

German flag

Steve Jobs’ mother had German-Swiss roots

fusion – 08 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 09 – SJ.Minimal

Syrian flag

Steve Jobs’ father was from Syria

fusion – 10 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 11 – SJ.Minimal

Steve Jobs was inspiring

fusion – 12 – SJ.Minimal

12: The number of years Jobs was away from Apple (1985-1997).

fusion – 13 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 14 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 15 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 16 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 17 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 18 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 19 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 20 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 21 – SJ.Minimal

Number of years Jobs served as CEO of Apple (1985-1976 and 2011-1997)

fusion – 22 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 23 – SJ.Minimal

Number of years Jobs worked at Apple (1985-1976 and 2011-1997)

fusion – 24 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 25 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 26 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 27 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 28 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 29 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 30 – SJ.Minimal

Jobs’ interest in Indian culture and traditions

fusion – 31 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 32 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 33 – SJ.Minimal

33 – The number of years Steve Jobs looked in the mirror every morning and asked himself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”

fusion – 34 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 35 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 36 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 37 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 38 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 39 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 40 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 41 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 42 – SJ.Minimal

42 – The number of years that Jobs was active in the technology industry (1974-2011)

fusion – 43 – SJ.Minimal

43: The number of inventions in which Jobs is registered as an inventor or co-inventor.

fusion – 44 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 45 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 46 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 47 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 48 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 49 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 50 – SJ.Minimal

50: The number of first Apple computers sold to the Byte Shop.

fusion – 51 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 52 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 53 – SJ.Minimal

The characteristics of Steve Jobs: perseverance, creativity and leadership

fusion – 54 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 55 – SJ.Minimal

Birth year of Steve Jobs (1955).

fusion – 56 – SJ.Minimal

56 – The age Steve Jobs was when he passed away.

fusion – 57 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 58 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 59 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 60 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 61 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 62 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 63 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 64 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 65 – SJ.Minimal

fusion – 66 – SJ.Minimal

The price of the first Apple computer ($666.66)

Japanese minimalist design, with its emphasis on simplicity, functionality, and beauty, was a major inspiration for Apple’s product designs

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